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Adult Discipleship Series, Theological Studies: Apologetics 4

Adult Discipleship Series, Theological Studies: Apologetics 4

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The English word "apology" comes from a Greek word which means "to give a defense." Christian apologetics, then, is the art and science of giving a defense of what we believe as Christians. The fourth of a four-part series on apologetics focuses on issues of Christian living and society. This course is vital for adult Christians as so many of us have difficulty communicating what we believe in a clear and loving way.

This teacher's manual is divided into 13 lessons, including all the Scripture text in the English Standard Version (ESV). The format is mainly lecture, but can include as much discussion as your context and time together allows. Each lesson is divided into three sections: Opening, Rewind, and Bible Implementation.

For a sample lesson, click here.

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Adult Discipleship Series, Theological Studies: Apologetics 4
Adult Discipleship Series, Theological Studies: Apologetics 4
Adult Discipleship Series, Theological Studies: Apologetics 4
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